Ibiza darkens

The City of Ibiza yesterday joined ‘Earth Hour’, an initiative promoted by World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), which aims to mobilize cities around the world to shut down for 60 minutes its main buildings and monuments. For Vila, the Consistory decided to disconnect from 20.30 to 21.30 hours and the lights from the walls of Dalt Vila, the Calvi Round, Santa Llucia bastions and Sant Pere, the cathedral, the Paseo de Vara de Rey , walk the gardens of Joan Carles I, Reina Sofia park, park Square and Paseo de ses Pitiüses. From the distance, a significant drop in light emitted city usually noticeable.

Also the Consell of Ibiza yesterday participated in this campaign to combat climate change and awareness of the need to promote energy conservation program stops electric current sixty minutes from 20.30 in all its offices.

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